Community opposition grows as budget hearings are held around the state
As budget hearings move across Wisconsin, communities throughout the state are united and mobilizing in opposition to the drastic cuts proposed by Scott Walker that are out of step with our values. The 2011-2013 budget calls for the most extreme cuts to public education and public services ever proposed in Wisconsin history.
Scott Walker's extreme agenda represents a fundamental threat to the quality of life valued by the people of Wisconsin and is the opposite of shared sacrifice -- balancing the budget by increasing taxes on low-income families while expanding tax giveaways to Walker's wealthy corporate backers.
The more we learn about this budget, the worse it will be for Walker's rapidly-sinking ship and Republicans that have blindly followed him instead of listening to their constituents.
Here is a wrap-up of some of the media coverage:
Wausau Daily Herald, Quotes from the Budget Hearing
Wausau Daily Herald, Concerns over cuts dominate first hearing on Gov Scott Walker's plan
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Citizens ask legislators not to reduce budget
The Northwestern, Wisconsin residents continue to raise concerns over Gov Scott Walker's budget proposal
Wisconsin Rapids Tribune, Wisconsin Legislature's Joint Finance Committee will consider budget ideas, but plan to listen to 'silent majority'
Wausau Daily Herald, Joint Finance committee hearing participants have their say but wonder if committee members listened
Wispolitics Blog, All negative, all the time for budget proposal
Pictures from Wausau Daily Herald
All we say to America is, 'Be true to what you said on paper.' If I lived in China or even Russia, or any totalitarian country, maybe I could understand..." [--The Great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.--]
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